The Theories on the Coming of Islam in MINSUPALA

  1. Trade Theory- as we all know Muslims are traders. So in this theory, it is believed that the Islam was brought by the Muslims Traders in Sulu. The Muslim Traders convert the Sulu Ruler and then the follower of the ruler will also be converted. Later on, the Maguindanao and Lanao also are converted.
  2. Missionary Theory- it is said in this theory that Islam was brought by the Missionaries with a specific aim, that is to convert the people of MINSUPALA.
  3. Political Theory- in this theory, it was believed that when a Muslim came to Sulu, the Muslim tends to be friend to the Ruler and thus converts the ruler. The Muslim tends to be friend with the ruler to gain protection and respect in the place.
  4. Economic Theory- Muslims controls the International Trade Route and in that time the Muslims are not to be subjected to pay tax in the trade, thus the Native Rulers aims to participate in the trade, then the ruler and his follower accepts the religion Islam to be able for them to participate in the International Trade with privilege of no requiring to pay tax.
  5. Ideological Theory- it is believed in this theory that the people of MINSUPALA willingly accepted the religion Islam because in this religion they have found the missing part of their religion. Also the people of MINSUPALA accepted Islam because they found that in this religion, all of the people are equal.
  6. Crusade/Jihad Theory- Muslims and Christians are competing in Jerusalem, thus the Muslims tends to convert more native for them to have more Muslims that will help them defend Jerusalem in the hands of the Christians.

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