Simple Guide in Subject – Verb Agreement

1. The predicate agrees with the subject in person and in number.
            a. Singular subject takes singular predicate -most of the time the predicate has “s” or “es” in ending.
            b. Plural subject takes plural predicate -most of the time predicate has no “s” or “es” in ending.
Note: words that ends with “s” most of the time signifies plurality and words that do not end with “s” is mostly singular.
Example:   Sir Ronnie discuss/discusses the lesson. (answer : discusses)
2. The predicate agrees with the subject regardless of intervening words – simply identify first the subject and look for the main verb.
Example:    The student together with the Principal go/goes to Field Trip. (answer : go)
3. The expression, “the number” takes a singular verb while the expression “a number” takes a plural verb.
4. Two nouns referring to one person takes singular verb.
5. Two nouns referring to one thing takes singular verb.
6. If any of the following is used as a subject, the verb to be used must be in singular form.
(indefinite pronoun) Either anybody everybody neither somebody nobody
7. Subject joined by either or / neither nor, are singular and plural depending on the subject nearest the verb.
8. The positive not the negative idea in the sentence agrees in number and with verb.
Example:    You not she is/are to pass the exam. (answer : are)
9. Nouns denoting fractions should take singular verb but if the fraction is followed by “of phrase” the verb depends on whether the object of the “of phrase” is singular or plural.
Example:     One half of the banana is/are for her. (answer : is)
10. Measurement of time and distance and sums of money should take plural verbs.
11. Nouns ending in “s” but singular in meaning should take singular verb.
12. Never add “s” to pluralize.
Example:    Information sheep bread deer swine datum

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