Things to do before a Civil Service Examination with recommended study topics

Before the Examination 

Take a typical one or two weeks review. It is recommended to solve 15 - 20 math questions every night.
I personally recommend to review the listed mathematics topic before starting to solve a problem

  1. Multiplication Table
  2. Ratio and Proportion
  3. Operations on Fraction
  4. Laws of Exponent
  5. Completing the square
  6. Solving Equation(Finding X)
  7. Problem Solving Strategy

For English Language review, the only thing that you would need to review is your Subject Verb Agreement. Reviewing the use of whom, who, which, either or, neither nor and others are highly recommended.

As for the Philippine Constitution and RA 6713, Reading and familiarizing the summaries I had made on those topics are enough.  The recommended topics of the constitution are

  1. Article 1
  2. Article 3
  3. Article 4
  4. Article 5
  5. Article 6
  6. Article 7

Never skip a topic on those recommended topics.

On the day of examination

Always do the following

  1. Wake up early. This would avoid you from being late.
  2. Take a light breakfast. Fried egg with 1 cup of rice is just enough.
  3. Don’t review. Just sit and try to remember the things you have memorized.
  4. Don’t be nervous. Trust in God and never doubt in his power.
  5. Don’t be late. There are things that you will need to fill up when you arrived in the examination room.
  6. Don’t forget to buy a candy. This would avoid you from being drain during the exam.
  7. Never take time on solving. Remember that your time is limited.
  8. Skip the things that you have not answered. If you have time when you are finish, try to solve them back.
  9. Never leave blank answered when you pass.

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