A Research about Sculpture - Its History, and Forms


Sculpture (Latin sculpere, “to carve”), three dimensional artwork created by shaping or combining hard, plastic material, wire, sound, text, light, commonly stone (either rock or marble), metal, glass, or wood. Some sculpture are created directly by finding or carving; others are assembled, built together and fired, welded, molded, or cast. Sculptures are often painted. Because sculpture involves the use of material that can be molded or modulated, it is considered one of the plastic arts.

a.       Asian Sculpture
1.      Indian Sculpture – first known sculptures are from Indus Valley Civilization (3300-1700 BC), found at Mohenjo-Daro and Pakistan.
2.      Chinese Sculpture – first Buddhist sculpture dated from Three Kingdoms Period (3rd Century).
3.      Japanese Sculpture – associated to religion and the medium use declined with the lessening importance of traditional Buddhism.

b.      African Sculpture – the type of material and purpose for creating sculpture in African reflect the region from which the pieces are created.
1.      West African Sculpture – typically have elongated bodies, angular shapes, and facial features that represent an idea.
2.      Central African Sculpture – heart shaped faces that are curved inward and display patterns of circles and dots.
3.      Eastern African Sculpture – only one type of sculpture is known, “Pole Sculpture,” which are poles curved in human shapes, decorated with geometric forms.
4.      Southern African Sculpture – oldest known clay figures date from 400 to 600 A.D. and have cylindrical heads.

c.       Egyptian Sculpture – The Egyptian Statues was made to provide a physical place where a god or spirit could appear. In temples the god took up residence in the cult statue, and divine royal spirits could reside in statues of the king.

d.      Greek and Roman Sculpture – principal subject of the Greek and Roman sculptures are gods, heroes of legend, and athletes, youth, or maiden intended to demonstrate beauty.

e.       Islamic Sculpture - famously aniconic, so the vast majority of sculpture is arabesque decoration in relief or openwork, based on vegetable motifs, but tending to geometrical abstract forms.

f.       Early Christian and Byzantine – mainly the base of the Christian and Byzantine sculptures are Christianity, Angel, etc…

g.      Renaissance – one of the first major works of this era is the statue of David which is a free-standing nude statue.

h.      Mannerist – more abstract representatives were praised giving more thought to color and composition rather than the realistic portrayal of the subjects in the piece.

i.        Baroque – group of figure assumed new importance and there was a dynamic and energy of human forms.Baroque Artist fused sculpture and architecture seeking to create a transformative experience for the viewer.

j.        Modern Classicism – showed a lesser interest in naturalism and a greater interest in formal stylization. Greater attention was paid to the rhythms of volumes and space – as well as greater attention to the contrasting qualities of surface while less attention was paid to story-telling and convincing details of anatomy or costume.

k.      Modernism – modern trends in sculpture, both abstract and figurative have dominated public imagination and the popularity of the modernist sculpture has all but eliminate the traditional approach.

Materials of Sculpture through History
a.       Bronze and Stone – example: marble and limestone.
b.      Precious Metals – example: gold and jade
c.       Glass, hardwoods, terracotta and other ceramics, and cast metals such as zinc.
d.      Stained glass, automobile parts, tools, machine parts and hardware.
e.       Acrylics and other plastics
f.       Ice and sand

Types of Sculpture
a.       Free-Standing Sculpture – sculpture that is surrounded on all sides, except the base, by space. It is also known as sculpture “in the round”, and is meant to be viewed from any angle.
b.      Sound Sculpture – (related to sound art and sound installation) an intermediate and time based art form in which sculpture or any kind of art object produces sound. 
c.       Light Sculpture – an intermediate and time based art form in which sculpture or any kind of art produces light.
d.      Jewelry – it may be made from gemstones or precious metals, but may be from any other material, and may be appreciated because of geometric or other patterns, or meaningful symbol.
e.       Relief – the sculpture is still attached to a background.
f.       Site-specific Art- artwork created to exist in a certain place.
g.      Kinetic Sculpture – involves the aspect of physical motions. Typically, it has moving parts which are generally powered by wind or a motor.
h.      Statue – representation sculpture depicting a specific entity, usually a person, even, animal or object. Stacked Art – a form of sculpture formed by assembling objects and stacking them.
i.         Architectural Structure – term use for the use of sculpture by an architect and/or sculptor in the design of


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